
...of Guys' Ego and Girls' Pride...

Hey everyone! Sorry about the long delay for a new post. Well, now that I'm back in Hobart, everything will be up and running again! :) Anyways, before I get started, I just wanted to say that my trip back in Malaysia was really short and it was great meeting up with you guys again! If I wasn't able to meet up with anyone of you, I'll make it up to you people at the end of the year, which means that this blog would not be working as efficiently as it would. BTW, below are some pictures that I took from a trip along the East Coast of Tasmania.

Wombat Jr.

The oh-so-famous Tasmanian Devil

Nice scenery there, no?

Alright then, I've gotten this idea of writing about guys' ego and girls' pride from Vee. Thank you! We were talking and it then hit me that everything that happens seem to revolve around egos and prides. No doubt, guys have the biggest egos around on earth while girls would, if you allow me, have the biggest pride around.

No offense to anyone, but that is the ultimate truth. It's simple, when a guy's ego is blown, they come back attacking, daggers out and punches below the belt. Literally and not literally. Girls do not deserve the harsh words these guys sent their way at all. No, don't get me wrong. I mean, I do like girls but it's not like I'm protecting them and dissing us guys. However, that is to be the truth, unfortunately.

So often do we hear stories about guys hitting girls in a relationship, and not the other way around. Funny. And they say girls are meaner than guys. I mean, the worst a girl could do to a guy is to break-up in front of their face. OK, in a way, that's bad as that inflicts emotional sickness but guys hitting girls? That's physical abuse.

Guys who do such things are d--ks. They probably feel insecure and not having the 'power'. That's just dumb. It's all a psychological factor. In today's society, who said that males are the dominant species? To them, it's like a shallow, temporary high that they get every time they do it. Just like bullies in elementary school. Those bullies grow up, and eventually, some still remain the same. Too bad they can't just learn to mature.

Now, they say it takes two to tango. Fair enough. Apart from talking on and on about guys' ego, let us now talk about a girl's pride. Of course, some, if not most girls have this thing we call pride in them. Well, according to a dictionary, pride simply means: a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character. Therefore, can it be agreed then that when a girl is hurt, she'll do things unexpectedly or sometimes act like someone else? Is it merely to protect her own image? I now need girls to give me feedbacks on this. I might be wrong or I might have missed on lots of things yet to be mentioned. Mind you, pride is considered one of the seven sins. And as the saying goes, "pride comes before fall".

Nonetheless, of course it is wrong for a guy to hit a girl. Pardon me, not only does a guy need to hit a girl to prove that his ego is as big as the size of Russia, but sometimes, the way a guy talks to defend himself, etc. you just know it! Girls on the other hand, when they get hurt or bruised, they would probably 'protect' themselves by acting strange/differently. Guys and girls are nice creatures to hang around with, if you know just how to deal with them.

However, don't get me wrong here. I'm not saying that I fully or 100% totally understand the behavior of both guys and girls, hell, I don't even understand myself fully at times. No kidding. All I want to say here is that arguments and misunderstandings are bound to happen between friends, in relationships, or whatever it is when you interact in a society like this. Sometimes, to solve a problem or to get over something, try and put aside our differences. Talk it out. I know it's hard but it's worth a try. Girls: If a guy still can't get on level terms with you after talking to him slowly, carefully, affectionately, etc. Leave him, he's a pain. You deserve better. Guys: If a girl doesn't get on level terms with you, she's probably having PMS, try another time. No, I'm not kidding. That just MIGHT be the reason on why she's not processing all the things you're saying.

Well, I guess this is all for now. Good luck to you people out there and take care. After all that, it seems to me that my side is probably more on girls, but I guess it's how you perceive it. Later!

Currently plugged in to: 30 Second to Mars - A Modern Myth